Tuesday, December 1, 2009

Deep East Texas

There is a Grave Need for Federal Intervention In ‘Deep East’ Texas!
By: Bishop L. J. Guillory, D.D.
Ombudsman General
Ombudsman International-USA

I know that many of the people who live and work outside of the East Texas area have no idea of what kind of Racist and Hateful treatment that African-Americans suffer. Some of which has to do; in part, with the results of the past presidential election.
However, please allow me the opportunity to share with you just a little of what I have found over the last eight months since the election of the first African American to the Office of the Presidency.
East Texas seems to pride itself on the fact that many of those living and working within the deep East Texas, have more than just roots here; they also have pride in the good old days (ways) “The Confederacy, Flags, Klan Country, being willing and able to conduct the last big fight against federal government takeover!”

In most, cases I have tried to keep my opinions to myself and just do the work that I came to the south to do; “Build A College” “Save Our Nations Youth From The Dead-End Prison System. However, what seemed to be happening in one area, was also taking place in other areas in the deep east part of Texas.
It has been well documented that the court system in east Texas have a history of its own brand of justice, which is swift and sure, in most cases driven by race, hate, economic or lack of economic resources. The state has some of our nations highest numbers of incarceration when it comes to African Americans males.

The fact that even the Texas Democrats are starting to change parties citing that; “The President’s Administration nor the Democrats in Congress represent and or reflect my ideas nor the people who I represent here in my District in East Texas!” Chuck Hopkins, Texas State Rep.
Chuck Hopkins, who was reelected as democrat just recently changed his parties; becoming a republican after the Obama lead Congress passed what may become first time national health care legislation.

If you were accused of a crime for which you did not commit; would you want fair and good representation? Many of the people who I represent complain that they did not get an attorney working on their behalf nor working to prove their innocents. Many of which are serving long prison sentences with no means and in some cases; not even the right to appeal their convictions.
I was one of those persons, which; is why I spend my life fighting for those who can not fight for themselves. Both within and outside of prisons throughout this nation. Ombudsman International, is a Not For Profit -United States Government Oversight Agency.
Ombudsman International, is not apart of the Government. We investigate complaints from United States Citizens regarding Government - Elected Officials, Judges, Police Officers, District Attorneys, and Concerns of Public Corruption.
At this point I feel based on the 27 years of working with, along side, and even at times against corrupt government officials; there is a grave need for Federal Intervention in Deep East Texas to prevent the continuation of hate crimes within the court system.

The Hate Crimes taken place here within many of the cities and counties involve the actions of school district board members, city council members, police officers, deputies working within the district attorney offices, and even within the courts where racist judges play a factor in more cases than not with regard to the outcome and lack of justice being served. I have witnessed first hand what happens in some of the courts in deep east Texas.

When an attorney refuse to work in the best interest of a defendant. Take the case of Truvia (African American Mentally ill Kid who is alleged to have killed his white teacher) where I have tried within to law to assist the family to get new and affective counsel in order that the kid can get the mental help that he truly needs.
As, a Bishop, an Ombudsman General recognized by members of Congress for my works across this nation, as father to a son now serving in the Army of this country. A odious Judge found cause to attack me. In fact, November 30, 2009, while sitting in court monitoring the Truvia case. Because, it is my belief that Jim Huggler is not working in the best interest of the kid.
I was asked to come to the judge’s bench for an unknown reason, as I am not a party to this case. But, have become the family spokesperson to deal with the media and others who have come out of the wood work to ask questions regarding Truvia’s background.
Once I was in front of what I believe to be the most Un-honorable and even in my opinion a racist judge. Judge Floyd Goetz ordered me to rise my right hand and swear to tell the truth for the information I was about to give to the court. I did! The Man (Judge) Floyd Goetz then attempted to intimidate me asking questions regarding my (wrongful conviction) incarceration and wanting to know how many members are apart of Ombudsman International. After telling the truth we have Thousands and Thousands.
“We have had more than 1.7 Million visitors to our web site www.Ombudsmaninc.Org .”
Since, I was not moved by his odious misuse of power and racist conduct, Judge Goetz banned me from the court and from the facility (a public building). Ombudsman International’s Attorneys are filing legal action on the judge and smith county regarding these unlawful actions.
The judge seem the have an issue with the fact that I have questioned publicly that the Truvia case, for which I am monitoring has a attorney that was at the center of criticism of a police shooting in September 2003. Truvia’s Attorney Jim Huggler, once worked as a depute district attorney in smith county.
Huggler, who oversaw the grand jury investigation of a case where three white Tyler police officers shoot and killed a 26 year old African American man; withheld at least one eyewitness from the grand jury. According to the associated press “Smith County District Attorney Jack Skeen said Huggler’s actions were improper!”
Huggler was also the attorney who represented Jamie Pittman who received a life in prison sentence. It was reported by one person close to the case that a Cook County District Attorney said; “Jamie Pittman, should have never been brought to smith county for trial.”
The fact that Huggler’s involvement in the Raibon’s death Grand Jury Case, which set off protests from Tyler’s African American community, and the Raibon family has brought serious questions and concerns as to why a man who’s ethic’s caused him the leave the Smith County District Attorneys office was appointed to a case of an African American kid who is accused of killing his white teacher.
It was reported by CBS 19 that Huggler contacted Attorney Smith in Dallas once he (Huggler) heard that I (Bishop L. J. Guillory) was working to hire Smith to replace Huggler. Only one of many the reasons for my decision to replace Huggler was the fact that Huggler brought a Dallas Reporter to the Truvia family’s home without permission or concern for the family.
More Information on this matter will be available after Ombudsman International’s Attorneys, overturn what may be a unlawful court order and legally address the civil rights violations which took place in court November 30, 2009. Please, feel to contact Ombudsman International

Contact Bishop L.J. Guillory (310) 980-0816 OmbudsmanInc@aol.com
Cc: Department of Justice -Civil Rights Div-
U.S. Attorney General
Texas Office of the Attorney General
Texas House of Representatives